Systematic Computation of Braid Generator Matrix in Topological Quantum Computing


We present a systematic numerical method to compute the elementary braiding operations for topological quantum computation (TQC). Braiding non-Abelian anyons is a crucial technique in TQC, offering a topologically protected implementation of quantum gates. However, obtaining matrix representations for braid generators can be challenging, especially for systems with numerous anyons or complex fusion patterns. Our proposed method addresses this challenge, allowing for the inclusion of an arbitrary number of anyons per qubit or qudit. This approach serves as a fundamental component in a general topological quantum circuit simulator, facilitating the exploration and analysis of intricate quantum circuits within the TQC framework. We have implemented and tested the method using algebraic conditions. Furthermore, we provide a proof of concept by successfully reproducing the CNOT gate.

Abdellah Tounsi
Abdellah Tounsi
Ph.D student in Theoretical Physics

PhD student in mathematical physics at LPMPS. Working on topological quantum computing.

Nacer eddine Belaloui
Nacer eddine Belaloui
Ph.D student in Theoretical Physics

PhD student in Theoretical Physics. Working on Cold Atoms and Quantum Computing.

Mohamed Messaoud Louamri
Mohamed Messaoud Louamri
Ph.D student in Theoretical Physics

PhD student in Theoretical Physics and member of CQTech working on Quantum Simulation and on Optimization Problems.

Achour Benslama
Achour Benslama
Professor of Physics

PhD in Theoretical Physics, September 1999.

Mohamed Taha Rouabah
Mohamed Taha Rouabah
Associate Professor of Physics

ARISE Fellow, Principal Investigator at Constantine Quantum Technologies, Associate Professor at University of Constantine 1 (Algeria).