Compiling single-qubit braiding gate for Fibonacci anyons topological quantum computation


Topological quantum computation is an implementation of a quantum computer in a way that radically reduces decoherence. Topological qubits are encoded in the topological evolution of two-dimensional quasi-particles called anyons and universal set of quantum gates can be constructed by braiding these anyons yielding to a topologically protected circuit model. In the present study we remind the basics of this emerging quantum computation scheme and illustrate how a topological qubit built with three Fibonacci anyons might be adopted to achieve leakage free braiding gate by exchanging the anyons composing it. A single-qubit braiding gate that approximates the Hadamard quantum gate to a certain accuracy is numerically implemented using a brute force search method. The algorithms utilized for that purpose are explained and the numerical programs are publicly shared for reproduction and further use.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1766 (1), 012029
Mohamed Taha Rouabah
Mohamed Taha Rouabah
Associate Professor of Physics

ARISE Fellow, Principal Investigator at Constantine Quantum Technologies, Associate Professor at University of Constantine 1 (Algeria).

Nacer eddine Belaloui
Nacer eddine Belaloui
Ph.D student in Theoretical Physics

PhD student in Theoretical Physics. Working on Cold Atoms and Quantum Computing.

Abdellah Tounsi
Abdellah Tounsi
Ph.D student in Theoretical Physics

PhD student in mathematical physics at LPMPS. Working on topological quantum computing.