Empowering Quantum Enthusiasts: CQTech Partners with QWorld for QClass 23/24

In a continued pursuit of advancing quantum education, CQTech is delighted to announce its partnership with QWorld for the QClass 23/24 program. Building on the success of our collaboration with Womanium for the Summer Quantum Program, this major quantum event is set to span two semesters, running from September 2023 to May 2024. The program encompasses a diverse range of offerings, including introductory courses, intermediate self-study modules, a thrilling QJam on quantum games, and a series of illuminating online talks. Deadline for application is Sep 17th.

QClass 23/24 webpage: https://qworld.net/qclass23-24/

A Comprehensive Learning Experience

The QClass 23/24 program is designed to provide a comprehensive and accessible quantum education. Participants can expect to engage with a curated curriculum covering quantum computing, programming, and algorithms. As the program progresses, learners will have the opportunity to delve deeper into various quantum topics through self-paced modules. This structure ensures that individuals of all levels of expertise can find valuable content and challenges.

CQTech: A Local Champion for Quantum Education

CQTech is honored to serve as a local partner for QWorld in this ambitious educational endeavor. This partnership reflects our commitment to providing Algerian quantum enthusiasts with world-class resources and mentorship. Through the “QUANTUM DZ (by CQTech)” Discord server, we aim to create a vibrant community where participants can receive guidance, share insights, and collaborate on projects related to QClass 23/24. Building on the success of last year’s experience with QCourse, CQTech will once again ensure the mentorship and supervision of the Topological Quantum Computing self-study module for all QClass participants.

A Vision for Quantum Advancement in Africa

At CQTech, we are dedicated to promoting quantum sciences and technologies not only in Algeria but across the entire African continent. By engaging with programs like QClass 23/24, we hope to inspire a new generation of quantum enthusiasts who will contribute to the growth and development of quantum research and applications in Africa.

As we embark on this exciting journey with QWorld, we extend our warm invitation to all Algerian and African quantum enthusiasts to join us in this exciting learning experience. Together, let’s shape the future of quantum education and exploration.

Mohamed Taha Rouabah
Mohamed Taha Rouabah
Associate Professor of Physics

ARISE Fellow, Principal Investigator at Constantine Quantum Technologies, Associate Professor at University of Constantine 1 (Algeria).